The Chronicles of Brody

I have decided to keep a journal of sorts on our new puppy Brody. I am no writer and my editing skills are lacking so keep that in mind when you read this but here are the trials and tribulations that come with raising an American Bulldog/Pit Bull Mix puppy.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Here Comes Brody

Everyone know the story of Pavlov's dog.  You ring the bell and the dog salivates for food.  This has been proven true with Brody. In fact I think it's one of the first things, if not the only, that he has learned.  The only difference is we don't ring a bell for food we just pour the dry food from it's plastic container into the bowl.  As soon as Brody hears the movement of the food in the container he comes running sometimes even barking.  No matter where he is or how long ago it was that he ate, if the food is making noise he is coming for it.  The main problem with this is that not only dog food makes this noise.  If we pour the goldfish out of the container, here comes Brody.  If we take crackers or chips out, here comes Brody.  When Harley, the cat, wanted food at 4am I poured it into his bowl, well Brody didn't come running because he was locked in his crate in our bedroom.  But if he can't come running he let's me know he heard the food with his howling and barking.  At first, this made us laugh we thought for sure he died of starvation in a previous lifetime, but now we consciously have to think "where's Brody" before we get anything that might make noise.  Last night Keith had a headache so I got the Advil out of the cupboard and tossed it to him.  Brody was back in our bedroom sleeping.  No sooner had Keith grabbed the Advil and here comes Brody bright eyed and bushy tailed looking for food.  Never mind the fact that he just ate 20 minutes ago.  Brody has good ears and will surely never miss a if would just learn how to pee outside!


Blogger Courtney said...

That is really funny. Our cat Oni knows the sound of the can opener, so she comes running whenever she hears it, and she gets mad if we are not opening cat tuna.

March 20, 2011 at 2:41 PM  

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